Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Robert T Lynch Municipal Golf Course Putterham Meadows Brookline

Brookline, Ma

In Boston if the golf clubs see action ‘til Thanksgiving it’s been a good year.  Sneaking in 18holes just days before Santa’s arrival is almost unprecedented.
The 2011 golf season has refused to die and it’s been a pleasure to take advantage of its extended life.  Rock bottom prices has allowed me to play some local courses that I’ve been curious to see but hesitant to fight the crowds for.   One of which is - Robert T Lynch Municipal Golf Course Putterham Meadows Brookline. (Possibly the longest course names in history)   
Sometimes better known for providing the parking for US Opens and Ryder Cups hosted by its neighbor – The Country Club. This 1931 Styles and Van Kleek design shares terrain with golf royalty.   Styles other work runs the gambit from some of New Englands best (Taconic, Thorny lea, Oak Hill) to other courses synonymous with dog track (D.W. Field, Old Salem Greens, Derryfield).  I was pleasantly surprised to find this 6,300 yard course sprinkled with charm.  Not great by any means, but I’m a sucker for history and uniqueness.  Some mounding, a few cleverly placed greens, and plenty of opportunity to hit driver, help elevate this course this to be better than average.  (The fact that you can peer through the fence and see the 5th at TCC during the round certainly helps the experience as well).
It’s a muni – no doubt about it.  But on a late December day with only a 10 min commute, a $25 price tag, and enough character to keep me interested it was a pleasure to play.
Kind of like the chubby chick neighbor with a cute face that dresses well... Not ideal, but not bad.... always nice to have close by ; )

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