Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Quincy, MA

This may have actually been the course that first inspired this site. I can’t remember a course I was looking forward to playing more than Granite Links. I had visited the site several times to use their driving range and soak up the incredible views of the city, but I waited 2 years for the perfect occasion to pull the trigger on this expensive track. I had a good friend in town and I needed a can’t miss course to play. It was rated Top Ten Best New Upscale Golf Course in the US” by Golf Digest, John Dennis raved about it every morning on WEEI, The New England Pro Tour had a stop there, there were views of the Boston sky line, the Boston harbor and blue hills… it cost $125 dollars to play… It had to be good right? Hell NO!

I’ve never walked away from a round of golf being more disappointed in a golf course. I have played all 27 holes at the facility. It is filled with awkward designed features - blind shots, boulders in the fairway, forced lay up par 5’s and 220 yard forced carries onto sliver greens. Course has ROCK hard greens where it’s almost impossible to stop a mid iron and knee high grass lined fairways where it is impossible to find a ball.

The property really is beautiful and the holes look fantastic but the playability of this golf course is shockingly bad.

It’s like finally getting a date with your dream girl to find out she’s a total bitch, has bad breath, insulted your career path, guzzled expensive martini’s and stuck you with the tab. Suddenly she doesn’t seem so hot anymore.

Play it once to put it on your resume – then join in on the bashing.

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